
Mid-Term Review of “Social inclusion through the provision of integrated community services at community level” modelClaudia PetrescuSeptember 2016 – April 2017
Prometeus – Promoting Social Economy in Romania through research, education and training at European standardsClaudia PetrescuSeptember 2010 – September 2013
Public Transport Satisfaction Index – Bucharest-Ilfov public transportSorin CaceOctober-December 2019
EU-FAR – EU Funds by Area ResultsAnca Monica MarinOctober 2022 – March 2023
A critical analysis of the public policies addressed to the Roma minority through the lenses of participative framework – PARTICIPROMIonuț AnghelOctober 2019 – April 2021
Mid-term Evaluation of Implementation of the Child Protection Strategy 2014-2020 and its Action Plan for 2016-2020 in the Republic of MoldovaManuela Sofia Stănculescu , Monica MarinMay 2019 – January 2020
Climate Change Adaptation Through an Environmental Justice Framework: The Case of Roma Communities in Romania - CATHARTIC (Young research teams 2016)Filip AlexandrescuMay 2018 – April 2020
Initial technical and vocational educationClaudia PetrescuMay 2016 – May 2017
The third Age – a priority on public agendaClaudia PetrescuMarch 1st 2015 – April 30 2016
Socio-economic dynamics. Infographics and inquiriesTeam: Sorin Cace (coord.), technical coordination: Iulian Aldea, Mălina Voicu and Monica Marin. All infographics are produced by RIQL researchers. July - September 2021
Partnership for employment in rural areaDaniel ArpinteFebruary 2011 – February 2012
A model of integrated services offered to young people in the countryside and the child protection systemGabriela NeaguAugust - October 2016
Services of drafting the Strategy and Plan of Activities – second lot, part of the project ”Effective Social Policies – national strategy for an effective implementation of family policies Cod MySmis/SIPOCA 129604/706”Mihnea Preotesi (Project Leader), Daniel Arpinte, Nicoleta Dumitrescu, Cristina Tomescu and Monica Marin.2022-2023
Research on refugee integration in Romania. The needs and perspective of refugees’ vis a vis the integration process [in Romania]Bogdan Voicu2017-2019
Crime as a Cultural ProblemIoan Mărginean
Iuliana Precupețu
Youth and decision makingSimona Ilie2002-2005
Fighting poverty and promoting social inclusionSimona Ilie2001-2004
The development potential of the informal economy in RomaniaSimona Ilie1998-2001
Statistical research services and focus groups organization Gabriela Neagu26 January - 25 February 2017
Re-Place – Reframing non-metropolitan left behind places through
mobility and alternative development
Monica ȘerbanMarch 2023 - prezent
END GBV in VET – Full service to increase capacity and awareness for disrupting gender-based violence in the VET sphereClaudia PetrescuJanuary 2022 – September 2024


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Research Institute for Quality of Life

Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13 Bucharest

Phone: 021.318.24.61