Sebastian Fitzek

Sebastian Fitzek

Scientific researcher III

Sebastian Fitzek is a scientific researcher at the Research Institute for the Quality of Life and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication and Public Relations, National University of Political Studies and Public Administrations. He received his Ph.D. in sociology and he has finished a Post Doctoral Programme at the Romanian Academy. Sebastian Fitzek writes as sole author but also as co-author articles, book chapters and books which were both nationally and internationally scientifically indexed. 5 most relevant titles are as follows: (1) Fitzek, Sebastian (2009), “Bio-Power. The Panopticon, Politics and Media” – Dobrescu, Paul, Pricopie, Remus, Ionescu, Mihaela Alexandra (ed.coord), R&D Perspectives. Promoting Innovation through Education, Culture and Communication, București,, pp. 107-112, ISBN 978-973-711-220-0. (2) Zamfir, Elena; Fitzek Sebastian; (2010) “Social Economy as a solution to social inclusion on the labour market”, Social Innovation, No.2, Bucharest, Romanian Academy, ISSN 2065-8389. (3) Fitzek, Sebastian; Danețiu, Mihaela; Ecril, Ahmed (coord.), (2011), Dialogue for Changing Stereotypes, RAO International Publishing Company, Bucharest, IBSN 978-973-54-0172-6. (4) Zamfir, Elena; Livius, Manea; Fitzek, Sebastian; Codrin, Scutaru; (2012), “Evaluation data in economic-social research of the employment of persons with multiple sclerosis”, Romanian Academy and Research Institute for Quality of Life, National CNCSIS, Bucharest. (5) Fitzek, Sebastian; Danețiu, Mihaela; (2013), “Third Sector Organisations in Sweden and Romania: Linking Social Capital and Well-Being in the Mixed Welfare System”- Elena Zamfir, Filomena Maggino (ed.coord) The European Culture for Human Rights: The Right to Happiness, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (340-349), ISBN (10): 1-4438-5446-8, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-5446-7.

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