Topics such as work and employment have been extensively addressed, both through quantitative and qualitative research. We study employment and complement labour market analyses by approaching the social effects of employment: low living standards, inequality and insecurity, physical and mental health problems, postponing life decisions (marriage, children).

A particular concern has been to investigate non-standard forms of work and employment-induced precariousness. The specifics and problems of employment have also led to studies in relation to social inclusion and income inequalities, and vulnerable groups on the labour market (ethnic Roma, young people, people with disabilities, rural residents) have been distinct subjects of employment and income studies).

Coordinators: Dr. Ana Maria Preoteasa and dr. Simona Ilie

Selected publications

Cace, Sorin, Ana Maria Preoteasa, Cristina Tomescu şi Simona Stanescu, eds. Legal and equal on labour market for Roma communities. Factors influencing employment level on Roma population. Bucureşti:Expert 2010.

Ilie, Simona şi Ana Maria Preoteasa. “A perspective towards atypical employment: Romania in European comparison.” Calitatea Vieţii3(2017): 243-267.

Ilie, Simona.”Employing people with disabilities: the Romanian protected units system.” Journal of Community Positive Practices.” 1(2013):61-91.

Ilie, Simona. ”Formal and Informal incomes of the Romanian Households.” In The social impact of informal economies in Eastern Europe, edited by R. Neef and M. StănculescuAshgate, 2002.

Preoteasa,  Ana Maria. “Precarious work in Romania, the last resort for vulnerable population. Evidence from quantitative and qualitative inquiry.”Calitatea Vieții 1(2015): 3-25.

Preoteasa, Ana Maria, Rebekka Sieber, Monica Budowski şi Christian Suter. ”Household Role in Coping with Precarious Work. Evidence from Qualitative Research in Urban Romania and Switzerland.”  Social Change Review14(2)(2016): 177-201.

Preoteasa, Ana Maria. Multiple facets of precarious work in Romania. Fațetele muncii precare în România. Bucureşti: Prouniversitaria, 2018.

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